
NoSQL Governance

NoSQL databases have grown significantly in recent years and now almost all companies have #NoSQL installations as part of their business data program. #Gartner estimates that 90% of the data is ‘unstructured’. In an increasingly #Agile / #DevOps / #DataOps world, the use of NoSQL bases for application development is considered a great advantage to accelerate time to market time for software.

Developers can create the scheme and design the database through their own code without the participation of traditional #DBA teams. But the lack of formal design and inadequate processes can generate problems for the application and can affect the general governance of company data. For example, it is difficult to determine what is stored in what place. It also poses a great challenge for auditing and compliance reports for companies.

As there are usually possibilities for more than one type of NoSQL bd to be used in conjunction with an RDBMS db, a more robust data governance framework is required to understand the data that is stored in such a variety of database technologies.

Finally, DBAs and other data professionals may now have to review the application code to understand the scheme and determine if the problem is in the data, the scheme or the infrastructure, which makes troubleshooting more complex.

It is really very important that ‘data-driven’ or ‘data-driven’ organizations adopt a new thought that involves the challenge of taking advantage of the latest NoSQL database technologies and also trying to maintain the integrity, quality and governance of the underlying data.

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